“Results driven” is a phrase that I’ve been seeing (and twitching my eye at) in the esthetics world a lot lately. Now, don’t get me wrong. There are so many different ways to be an esthetician, which is part of the beauty of the industry. However, the implication is that “fluff facials” are somehow inferior, and I vehemently disagree.

We all want results. No one is spending an hour of their time and their hard earned money to walk out of an appointment looking exactly the same as they did when they arrived. But for many of us, a facial is about much more than the results. It’s about the experience. In today’s insanely hectic world, carving out time for ourselves can prove challenging. For the busy mom who barely even has the time to apply deodorant before running out the door, an hour of fluffy bliss is about a whole lot more than achieving glowy skin-it’s about saying yes to herself for once. Some people don’t have major concerns like acne, pigmentation, or redness and just need general deep cleansing and clearing out of the pores, therefore they aren’t interested in peeling layers of their skin from their face and and hiding away from the world for a week. Why is an esthetician who gifts people with a treatment that feels good any less impressive than one who applies a chemical peel on someone?

I love making people feel great, but of course I love to help improve their skin issues too. I do take a slow and steady approach when it comes to solving those issues-my personal philosophy is that less is more, and it’s always better to start small and build up from there. I would rather under promise and over deliver than the other way around! Don’t be fooled, though. Even with my slow and steady approach, I’ve seen significant changes in my clients’ skin. I promise that you don’t have to get a deep chemical peel or microneedling every other week in order to see improvements (though there is nothing wrong with those things-they’re just not my thing). With proper homecare and regular facial treatments designed for your skin type, conditions, lifestyle, and budget, you can have both the experience and the results that you’re looking for.

The so-called fluff facial offers many benefits that can be easy to overlook, but my favorite to point out is stress reduction. As someone who is made up of 30% coffee and 70% anxiety, sneaking stress reducing activities into my life is a big priority. It’s challenging for me because I spend so much of my time in panic mode, and I know that some of you can relate to that. Stress is just so, SO bad for our bodies-both in the obvious ways and in some ways we rarely consider. It’s vital that we spend time reducing it. If you’re looking for some ideas, check out my blog post on the subject…and of course, it can’t hurt to book a facial :)

Let’s start giving fluff facials the credit that they deserve. I have a clientele full of beautiful faces that prove there’s something to them!

love & lipstick (& fluffy goodness),



