Let’s wrap this up

I always love to write a cliff notes version of the year and share it with you all, but I must say, I’ve struggled with this one. I dipped my toes into the business thing in 2017, formed my LLC in 2018, and kept working a full time job while trying to build clientele right up until October 2020. So technically, 2021 was my first full year working solely in my business even though I’ve been at this for a while. You might think that it had to have been a cakewalk compared to 2020, but it’s actually been much more of a challenge for me. Let’s dive in, shall we?

You all know about the whole being shut down for half a year thing, finally taking the jump into working for myself full time, followed by a fire and subsequent displacement stuff, which was obviously hard (and painful, and traumatizing…). Well, things didn’t get much easier. It became clear that Covid wasn’t going anywhere for a while. We saw supply chain issues. Super long shipping times. And then we started seeing prices increase. And increase. And increase some more. My skincare companies, wax companies, and supply companies all raised their prices. Many of them have done so more than once. While it may seem like just a couple of dollars for each product, that can add up to several hundred dollars at the end of a month. It takes a LOT of products and supplies to maintain any business, but when it comes to skincare, I have to have lots of options to suit the needs of all different skin types/conditions/allergies/concerns. And I go through wax like it’s water (if water was $36 a bag). By the middle of the year, I knew that I had to raise my prices in order to even stay above water. I still tried to avoid doing it and instead tweaked service times and removed some less lucrative options from my menu. It wasn’t enough, and I had no choice but to implement the increase right away. As someone who has worked incredibly hard to offer affordable options, it was really hard for me to do. But I had to. I’ve said this many times-your favorite business might only be a few slow weeks from closing its doors. Every day that I go into work, I think, “damn, I don’t know how I’m doing this.” But with your support (and the stubbornness of a Scorpio), somehow I’ve managed to keep going.

Aside from the stress of all that business related stuff, I also have general human stress. You might be laboring under the misapprehension that those of us in the wellness industry have the upper hand when it comes to that kind of thing, but it’s not necessarily the case. Yeah, we have the proper tool kits, but those tools are all over the floor and we’re tripping over them too. I let both my mental and physical health take a back seat (actually, I think they might be in the trunk?) and over the past couple of months, I’ve realized that my priorities need to be tweaked a bit. I’m horrible at setting boundaries and find myself overextending simply because that’s how I’ve always been. Talking the talk is easy, it’s the walking part that’s tough. I’ve started implementing more self care into my life, such as scheduling time during the week to work on behind the scenes stuff, taking off one Saturday per month so that I can have at least ONE day off with my husband, and taking care of my body so that I don’t have to feel 150 years old every day. Plenty more, but you get the idea. I’m going to get this stress and anxiety under control so that I can put my heart into my business instead of into the hands of a surgeon. Was that too dark? Maybe. Humor doesn’t always land. In all seriousness, I hope that you put your health first as we go into the new year as well. I will be sharing more wellness tips along the way to make it an easier road for all of us. We’re all in this together!

That’s enough looking back for now. So, what’s ahead? Here are a few things to look forward to.

  • I’m introducing a facial membership! I have been asked about a membership more times than I can count, and I’m finally ready to try it out this year. The basic details are posted on my Instagram account, and more information will be in the January newsletter in a couple of days. Subscribe to stay up to date!

  • I’m going to put more effort into…GULP…content creation. I realize that I’m not great at taking before/after pictures and I know that I have to get better at it. In today’s world, I have to be making videos and sharing more if I want to present myself as a professional. I have dreaded this for a long time, and a simple scroll of my social media is all the proof you need that it’s not my strong suit. But it’s important, and it helps those who are not yet clients to see my process and my work and possibly decide to book with me. So expect to see me on camera more often, and please go easy on me when you do. Know that I’m having a panic attack each and every time.

  • Book Club. I’ve wanted to start a book club for quite a while, but Covid has made that complicated. I’ve decided not to hold off any longer, and will keep it virtual until things calm down a bit and we’re able to do in-person meetings. The books will be in the wellness/mindset/personal development vein and I’ve been compiling a list of options. I’m excited! That information will also be released via newsletter, so make sure you subscribe.

There are always a million ideas spinning around in my head, but you’ll have to stay tuned for everything else on the horizon. As y’all know, my business is located inside of The Willows Massage & Wellness Center, and there are so many great things coming from all of us in 2022. I’m looking forward to a great year, and wishing you all infinite health, wealth, and happiness.

love & lipstick,



A week in the life


Just Brows-ing