Ever after…pay

Let’s be real-skincare isn’t cheap. But if you got great results from the stuff you buy at CVS, you wouldn’t be here, right? While there are some products that are just fine for you on your local drugstore shelves, most of them aren’t going to cause real change in the skin. On the other hand, I don’t think it’s necessary to be buying $300 serums either-no amount of active ingredients are going to keep you looking 22 forever. I’ve built my business (and personal skincare routine) around using quality, effective products. I only use and suggest products that I stand behind 100%. And now, I can offer you a more affordable way to have them in your life!

Let’s say you come in for a facial or a consultation and I’ve suggested that you get the basics. A cleanser, a nighttime moisturizer, and a sunscreen moisturizer are usually the 3 things I think everyone needs and should start with. The foundational framework of a skincare routine, if you will. Someone who is used to buying Clean & Clear at Target might cringe when they find out that just 3 products might cost you over $100. I know that when I first got into skincare, I certainly did. So I continued to use my $5 St. Ives Medicated Apricot Scrub twice a day, skipped the moisturizer because I didn’t want my skin to look oily, and wondered why my skin flaked more than a bad friend. After I started learning more about products and ingredients, I upped my game and began getting my products from Ulta and Sephora. But without professional guidance, I was just guessing at each purchase and never really saw significant improvements (n.b. the products at these places are usually equal to or sometimes even MORE than those from professional lines, just FYI). After getting my esthetics license, I started becoming a bit more selective about what I added into my routine. Quality > quantity! But whether buying 3 products or 30, it’s an expense. So how can we help with that expense? AFTERPAY, baby!

What is Afterpay? It’s a service that I use regularly both personally and for my business. Essentially, it’s a payment plan for something that you purchase, except you don’t have to wait until it’s paid off to get your goodies (there are several other similar companies, such as Klarna, ShopPay, etc that offer this type of thing. I’ve used them all). There is no credit check or anything like that, and no interest! You go to a website, add items to your cart as you usually would, and then select Afterpay as your method of payment. You’ll be directed to Afterpay’s site, where you’ll see an overview for your payment schedule. Essentially, it breaks it down into four payments every two weeks. So if you buy $100 of stuff on February 1, only $25 would be due that day. Then in two weeks, another $25. Same every 2 weeks until it’s paid off. Okay, sure, I understand that it’s the same price whether you pay in full or break it up into payments. Using Afterpay doesn’t technically reduce the cost of something. You’re paying the same thing, but it does make it easier to do for those of us who might not be able to pony up a bunch of cash all at once. Plus, the more successful payments you make on Afterpay, the higher the amount they will let you spend. It’s the best!

I know that when it comes to things like this, people get nervous. They wonder if their information is safe, etc. I promise that this isn’t just something that I offer for clients, I use it myself regularly. Afterpay always sends reminders before your next payment is due so you’re never surprised. And you are able to change your card info in case something comes up and you need to use an alternate form of payment. Here is the link to their “how it works” page so that you can read all about it yourself. Just trust that I would never recommend something that I didn’t stand behind!

If you are looking to get serious about building your skincare regimen, Afterpay is a great way to break that expense into smaller, doable chunks. There is no better time to get started on your best skin ever! Have questions? Leave a comment or shoot me a message. I’m happy to help!

love & lipstick,



don’t be so sensitive


A week in the life