let’s wrap this up (2022)

It feels strange to be sitting down to write about the year, because I don’t feel like my brain differentiates years the way that it used to. Now, it seems like there is “before Covid” and “since Covid." I’m trying to reflect on 2022, but instead of my brain going to the beginning of the year, it goes straight to early 2020. But 2020 was *GULP* almost three years ago! In a lot of ways, business (and life) since Covid really does all blend together. However, this year deserves its own wrap up. I’m ready for a turning of the page. Let’s take a peek at some highlights!

  • 2022 was the beginning of my membership program, and I’m really proud of that offering. Right now, it has a great discount and some awesome perks (more than any other membership program that I’ve encountered!), but I hope to find ways to include even more value as I continue this program into 2023.

  • In another effort to help my clients save money while helping me to build my portfolio, I started offering Model Behavior Facials this year! It’s been pretty popular, and because of the feedback, I’ll be continuing to offer these discounted facials to fill last minute openings in my schedule. I’ll also set aside a few spots each month for scheduled MB Facials, so if you’d like to get on the list, reach out!

  • I was able to take TWO trips to my favorite place on earth-Universal Orlando! I spend most of my time throughout the year either working on clients in the studio or at home working on the back end stuff, so the only time my brain isn’t in business mode is when I’m strolling through Diagon Alley. They were much needed, trust me!

  • In July, I celebrated my two year anniversary of calling The Willows my home base! It’s really the best of both worlds-I get to run my business alongside other really passionate people and bring fantastic services to the town of Bethel. I can’t wait to continue to grow with the great folks there. Make sure you follow The Willows on social media, because we’re going to have so many cool things coming your way in the next few months (and years!).

  • Though I was really happy with the skincare lines that I carried, I found Intelligent Elixirs and knew that I had to bring it in. I love their products AND their brand mission. Quality skincare should be for EVERYONE! I’ve gotten great feedback from those of you who sampled the line, and I’m so excited to continue my partnership with them!

  • Morning Coffee Talks made their debut! I get so many comments from people about how much they’ve learned from these posts, and it makes my heart so happy. They aren’t going anywhere! In fact, you’ll be able to revisit them whenever you’d like, because from now on I’ll be putting them in my highlights on Instagram so that you never miss a tip.

  • On a pretty personal note, after many years (a lifetime, really) of dealing with anxiety and depression, I took a leap of faith and started medication. It has been lifechanging for me. I feel like I’ve become a better practitioner, a more organized business person, and a hopeful human. I mention this because I think it might be the most important thing that has happened this year!

Of course, one blog post is not enough to really recap an entire year, but that’s okay with me because I’ve always been more focused on the future anyway. I’m always working super hard behind the scenes to bring you the very best that I have to offer in every capacity. So what’s there to look forward to in 2023? I’m so glad you asked! Book Club 2.0 (less science, more inspiration, and IN PERSON! with SNACKS!), themed events, more retail products in stock, connecting with me on a more personal level (should you wish), product of the month, more blogs, more videos, and maybe even…merch?! Not to mention the actual treatments! I have never been more excited, motivated, or creative than I am right now, and I’m so thrilled to have you on this journey with me.

love & lipstick (& lots of gratitude),


P.S. Please, if you have any suggestions or ideas you’d like to share, I’m all ears!


