
Not only is oxygen necessary for, you know, survival, it’s also pretty much necessary for the survival of my business. The Oxygen Facial is one of my most booked, best loved services, and for very good reason! It’s for all skin types and conditions, gets rid of dullness, leaves a stunning glow, and is very massage based so it’s extra relaxing. PLUS, though this facial is suggested to be priced at $150+, you’ll find it for almost half the cost at CDB. I have always worked hard to keep my prices at a place that can work with all budgets. Enjoy this specialty treatment for just $85 at my studio!

So what exactly is the Oxygen Facial? Technically, this treatment is called the 02 Lift from Image Skincare and is classified as an enzyme peel. I call it the Oxygen Facial to reduce confusion. While my Signature Facial is completely customized, the O2 Lift is a specific protocol from Image. It begins with a relaxing oil cleanse, an enzyme exfoliation, application of the oxygen masque, and finally a facial massage with the enhancing serum. The entire treatment is very massage heavy, so it’s super relaxing. Of course, no one leaves without eye, lip, and moisturizing products at the end.

This treatment helps to brighten dull/pigmented skin, helps with fine lines, wrinkles, texture, removes impurities, etc. Because oxygen increases the circulation, the skin is left with a stunning glow. I’ve had so many clients give a genuine “wow!” to the mirror when they check out their results from the facial. There’s a reason the 02 Lift is nicknamed “the red carpet facial”- you’ll have the glowing skin of a celeb in an hour!

Aside from the great price and the amazing results, one of my favorite things about this treatment is that it’s for all skin types, all skin conditions, and is completely pregnancy safe. Unless you have an allergy a specific ingredient, this treatment is for you! Book one for yourself and see the difference it can make in your skin.

love & lipstick,


P.S. While the Oxygen Facial is a professional only treatment, there are several products that can help to extend the results! Ask me about what’s right for you.




let’s wrap this up (2022)