Consistency is the key to success of just about anything, but today I want to talk about the importance of consistency when it comes to waxing. A lot of people start waxing because they’ve had issues with shaving and want something that’s going to last longer, leave them smoother, and cause less irritation. And all of those things are absolutely possible-and probable- with waxing! But there is usually more to it than just coming in for a ten minute wax and not thinking about it again for a month. As I always say, it’s a team effort!

First of all, yes, there are unicorns out there who don’t exfoliate, don’t hydrate, don’t do anything at all and won’t experience any ingrown hairs or irritated skin. And that’s great! I’m not talking to those people. But if you’re a person who is prone to ingrown hairs, dry skin, or irritation, you’re going to need to put in the work to get the results that you want.

Here are the basics:

  • For best results, you can’t wax too often or too infrequently. Stick to the schedule that your wax professional suggests. Generally, it’s 4 weeks to start for most places (facial areas and underarms tend to grow back a bit faster than that, just FYI). The longer you wax, the more you are training the hair to stop regrowing the root. Eventually, the hair thins or stops growing altogether. This is a good thing, if it’s an area that you don’t want hair (though if it’s a brow hair, we all know how long that can take to fix!). But because hair grows in three different cycles, we want to make sure we’re waxing all of it while it’s in the prime growth cycle. Waxing too early or too late messes with the cycle, and you won’t get the best results.

  • Yes, you need to exfoliate. Yes, it can be tricky to figure out the right amount of exfoliation specific to your needs. Usually, I tell a client to start with twice a week and either move up or down from there. Too much exfoliation can mess with the skin’s protective barrier, which helps let bacteria in (not good!). Too little exfoliation can cause the hair to be trapped underneath layers of dead skin and therefore create ingrown hairs (also not good). Find the sweet spot and stick to it!

  • I’m always surprised to hear that people hate putting lotion on, because it physically pains me to get out of the shower and not apply something to my skin. I feel like a dry, itchy sponge if I don’t slather lotion on. And essentially, I am. Which means you are too. Because we’re humans and we need to replenish the moisture levels in our skin to keep it healthy. Again, protecting the skin’s natural barrier is vital to its health. I use Aveeno or Nivea, depending on the weather. No need to spend a ton of money. Drugstore is fine here! If you don’t keep the skin healthy, it can be irritated, get ingrown hairs, etc. It can also contribute to the skin lifting during a wax. We don’t want that.

  • Sometimes, you can do all of the right things and still find yourself getting ingrown hairs. This can be caused by other things, like tight clothing, sweat, working out, etc. There are so many things that can contribute. It’s definitely frustrating, because anyone who is waxing is doing so because they want to have smooth, bump-free skin. In this case, I suggest purchasing an ingrown hair serum. These serums are meant to be used after a shower and usually contain salicylic acid, which helps to clear pores from the inside out. Frequency of use usually depends on the sensitivity of the skin, so I recommend using every other day and then bumping up if necessary.

Usually, after doing these things, people see the results that they want. However, there are some people that may never be bump-free. Not every person is suited for waxing, and I am always honest about that after exhausting all of the resources in my skill set. But at the end of the day, with a little bit of effort, you can have the results that you want. If you’re nervous about getting a wax, reach out! I’m happy to help walk you through the process and make you feel more comfortable about it.

love & lipstick (& lotion),




