When you think of skincare, you likely are immediately thinking about products for your face. But there is a lot of skin that isn’t on your face, and we need to be taking care of that too!

Now, I’m a realistic person. I don’t put nearly the same amount of money, time, or effort into the skin on my body and I definitely don’t expect (or recommend) that you do either. There is no way I would slather my long legs with $50 SPF, and I will be the first to admit that. But that doesn’t mean that I should ignore them altogether. While everyone is different, I thought I would share some general recommendations.

I find it really hard to get out of the shower, towel off, and not apply lotion to my skin. I will immediately feel tight and itchy if I don’t. Because I do a ton of waxing, I’m aware that a very high percentage of people don’t apply lotion after a shower, though. I’ve already mentioned in last week’s waxing blog why having dry skin and getting waxed isn’t a good idea, but even if you aren’t waxing, your skin is likely crying out for moisture. When I ask people why they don’t like to apply lotion, usually they tell me that they hate feeling all wet and slimy. One way to avoid that is to use something super light, like Aveeno, and apply the smallest amounts possible. Don’t immediately get dressed-stand in front of a fan (or just wait a few minutes. Check your email, play a game, see what today’s Morning Coffee Talk is…) if you’re really averse to moisture in your skin and want it to sink in as quickly as possible.

If your skin is super dry and maybe even bumpy, you might need something thicker. I know that during any other time of year than summer, I have to use Nivea instead of Aveeno because my skin needs the extra boost. If you don’t like switching, you can also just add a few pumps of oil to your lighter lotion as well. If you REALLY hate all lotion, then at least apply a light oil to the skin immediately after showering to lock in the moisture. It’s better than nothing!

As far as exfoliation goes, your body can typically handle more than your face. I think scrubs are just fine for the body, but I still prefer gentle ones. You can likely exfoliate a few times a week without any issues. But if you’re going to exfoliate, you have to hydrate the skin afterwards. Otherwise you’re stripping away the skin’s barrier and not replenishing it, which can lead to irritation, dryness, etc.

Now, I’ve mentioned that Aveeno and Nivea are my favorites, which means you probably noticed that I didn’t list anything from the skincare lines that I offer at CDB. That’s because I personally would not spend $30 on a body lotion, even if it’s from a line that I love and smells like heaven. However, if you want a recommendation for something a bit more luxurious, you can email me for recommendations. As long as you’re using something that works for you, you’re good!

Another couple of tips: Don’t shower in burning hot water. I know that no one is going to listen, but professionally I have to tell you that it’s not the best for your skin. When toweling off, pat your skin dry (but not bone dry!) as opposed to rubbing it. Leaving the skin a little damp will help the lotion to go on easier. Don’t forget about the skin on the bottom of your feet-pumice stones are a great way to keep them smooth! And the hands really take a beating. Think about how many times a day you wash them without applying lotion to rehydrate them? Probably a dozen! Maybe keep a small bottle of lotion next to your hand soap so that you can remember to keep them moisturized. Your lips don’t have oil glands, so they definitely need products to help keep them hydrated. Y’all know about the GOAT product for this. And don’t forget to take care of your cuticles! That part of your skin can get dry and catch on things, which can be pretty painful. And last but not least, all of your exposed skin needs sun protection. Keep an SPF in your bag. I promise that preventing a problem is easier than fixing one!

love & lipstick



