One of my company’s goals is to help make things simple for the average person. The beauty industry is ENORMOUS, and will only continue to grow. That means that we are constantly being inundated with information from every angle…because it sells! Because of how connected we are in today’s society, we have access to an incredible amount of information. The problem is, how do you know where to start? Who to trust? CDB exists to answer those questions for you.

I can tell you right now that the answer isn’t on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, or any other social media app. Don’t get me wrong, you may be able to get valuable tips from those platforms, but are they coming from someone that you can trust? Are they coming from someone who is qualified? Or is it just someone mouthing lyrics sensually into a ring lit camera making 15% commission off followers they’ve directed to purchase from a brand they’d never heard of before being approached with a deal? Now, makeup tips are not what I’m talking about here. If you buy a new lip pencil and try to emulate a Kardashian overline, you aren’t going to harm anything other than your pride. But if an influencer tells you that her flawless skin is due to applying a AHA/BHA treatment twice daily, you might find yourself with a problem. Especially if you aren’t being directed to stay out of the sun, use SPF, or would like to keep your skin’s barrier intact. 

If you follow me on social media, you’ll notice that I only give very general advice. I don’t talk a lot about specific products unless I’ve seen consistent success with them on multiple clients. Why? Because until I have sat with you and learned about your lifestyle, your budget, your allergies and sensitivities, your willingness to put the time in, etc., I can’t know if a product is a good fit for you. There is a lot that goes into making suggestions to clients, and I don’t want anyone to think that there is a “one size fits all” solution. It really is about working as a team. Can you do that with your favorite TikToker? My guess is that you can’t email them to ask if you should be using your Vitamin C serum during the morning or the evening. But I’m betting you can do that with your local professional! When I create blogs or other informational content, I try to keep it simple while also giving as much information as possible. I want folks to be able to make informed choices that will work best for their needs. There’s a difference between what we’d like to do and what we’ll actually do. If you’re not going to stay out of the sun but you have pigmentation concerns, I will simply tell you not to waste your money on a tyrosinase inhibiting product. Establishing trust with the person you’re working toward your goals with is the best way to ensure that you’re going to get the results that you want (or receive the honesty that you won’t get elsewhere!).

While I understand that it might take time to find the right fit for you, I also strongly discourage folks from hopping from one discounted facial to another in order to save a few bucks. There are many estheticians out there, and you might have to visit a few places to find the one who meshes well with you, but once you’ve found your person, stick with them. Going down the street when another business is offering a discount may set you back! The person who knows you and your skin will be better able to make the right treatment decision than a person who has never met you. I’ve always been of the “slow and steady” mindset, and am certainly not the right fit for everyone. Just like someone who specializes in chemical peels isn’t going to be able to help a client who wants a lot of massage and TLC during a facial! There is no “right” way to be an esthetician or a client-it’s like dating, you have to find the right match for you.

Lastly, I want to mention that you should also avoid taking skincare advice from friends and family. Your 22 year old cousin with no kids and no job who was blessed with good genetics yet swears that rinsing her face with water and massaging with coconut oil is the secret to perfect skin is not the person you should be listening to, especially if you’re a 37 year old acne prone mom of 2 working full time. Your Italian grandma who swears that drinking 4 glasses of wine a night is the reason her skin is still glowing at 80 doesn’t mean any harm by her advice, but try it yourself and you might end up with broken capillaries in your face and eyes puffier than a marshmallow. Leave the recommendations to the experts!

The tl;dr version? No one knows YOUR skin like a professional that YOU are working with. Trust them and get the results. 

love & lipstick,



