out with the old

If you’re anything like me, it can be easy to let the junk drawer pile up and the coffee table end up with more odds and ends than actually allows for a cup of coffee. We’ve got enough going on, right? But I’m going to add something to our never ending to do lists-clean out that medicine cabinet!

You might not have ever thought about this before (and certainly my mother, who still has a bottle of hydrogen peroxide from like 1994 has not!), but products expire. Typically, products will come with a little symbol on the back that has a number inside, which signifies the months the product is effective before it must be thrown out. But how many of us are taking a sharpie and marking down when the product was opened so that we can keep track? Not many, I’m guessing. And when you don’t have a routine that works well for you, you probably find yourself buying products all of the time, trying them for a week or two, and then letting them collect dust when you move on and try something else. It can be overwhelming to open up your medicine cabinet and see 50 partially used products in there and not know what to do with everything! I’m here to help.

If you tried a product and didn’t love it, that’s probably a good reason to throw it out. Don’t second guess it, just do it. If it’s got a quarter inch of dust on it, throw it out. If you opened it a couple of months ago and just forgot about it, then give it another try before tossing it. When in doubt, throw it out. Why? You don’t want to put rancid products on your skin. Products contain preservatives so that they won’t mold and cause problems (which is a good thing, we don’t want mold!), but they are not designed to last forever.

While you’re in the medicine cabinet, take the time to put all of the products that you use in the same place. That way you won’t forget about what you’re using, and they’re right in front of you instead of hiding behind that old bottle of mouthwash. Products can’t work if you don’t use them, so make sure they’re not just decorating your medicine cabinet and that you’re getting them onto your skin. Your face and your wallet will thank you!

Shall we do a little challenge? How about you send me before and after pics of your medicine cabinets, and I’ll reward you with $5 off either a service or a product for the month of October? Let me see those shelfies, y’all!

love & lipstick (and organization!),


P.S. If you find that your medicine cabinet is lacking good skincare options, let me know! I’m happy to suggest things for you to try.


scary good skin


patience is a virtue