Winter is my least favorite season, because I absolutely hate being cold. It makes me a worse person, I swear. However, it’s a great time of year if you’re someone who has pigmentation issues, because most of us are bundled up and out of the sun. If you have acne scars or just darker spots in general, now is the best time to bust out your pigmentation fighting products and schedule facials where we can do stronger treatments. Rejoice! Clearer, brighter skin is on its way!

First, let’s get one thing straight. Yes, it’s about sunscreen. There is no point in doing any pigmentation reducing treatments or buying products for that purpose if you aren’t going to wear sunscreen daily and reapply when going outside. It’s simply a waste of money. The sun’s rays are strong even if it’s not hot out, and we need to be protecting ourselves from them every single day. So please know that if you aren’t willing to invest in sunscreen and be dedicated to making it a part of your life, then nothing else you include in your routine can ever really do its job properly. So do we agree? Great! Moving along, sunscreen queens.

Speaking of being dedicated and making things a part of your life, you’re going to have to be consistent with whatever product(s) you are using to reduce pigmentation. This isn’t something that you can use for a week and then get frustrated that it’s not working. This is a twice a day, every day commitment and you might not see significant results for a few months. I highly suggest taking photos when you start a new regimen and then again a few months later so you can see the difference (in the same lighting!). Sometimes, we don’t notice results because we’re looking at our faces multiple times a day. It’s kind of like losing weight. You don’t notice when one pound is gone, but over time it really adds up.

I love a good Vitamin C serum in the morning, and luckily CDB carries several different options, one for every budget. Some of my favorites: Hale & Hush Rare C Serum, Image Skincare MD Restoring Power-C Serum, Circadia Vitamin C Reversal Serum, Intelligent Elixirs 15% Vitamin C Anti-Aging Serum. I highly recommend chatting with your skincare professional about which Vitamin C serum would be best for your specific skin, but I love to direct those who are new to Vitamin C (or have very sensitive skin) to start with Hale & Hush, because it’s very gentle. Personally, I switch between lots of Vitamin C serums because my skin has never had an issue with it! I cleanse my skin, apply my serum, and then apply my SPF. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy (but please don’t squeeze lemon juice on your skin to lighten it. You could end up with chemical burns and more of a problem than you started with. DIY is for crafts, not skincare).

At night, there are SO many options. Too many options, really. Retinols are great for reducing pigmentation, but stronger retinols (especially prescription strength) can be irritating to the skin and many folks give up before they can get the results. If you aren’t using a prescription, there are lots of options out there. Again, for those just starting out or who have more sensitive skin, Hale & Hush is a great starting point. Their Rare Retinal is a bit different than a retinol, because it’s essentially a form of retinol that has been formulated to have already been broken down so that the skin doesn’t have to work as hard to do it (which is what causes the irritation from traditional retinols). Intelligent Elixirs offers a Botanical A Night Serum, which is not made with retinol but rather a plant version that can produce similar results while being a bit more gentle on the skin. Image offers retinol products, but they also have their amazing Iluma line (that is GREAT for pigmentation and brightness). Circadia and Glo have many pigmentation reducing products as well.

As far as treatments go, there are way too many factors to consider. This is why I love to customize at the studio! I have lots of products that are pro-only (meaning they can’t be purchased by anyone without an esthetics license and can only be used for backbar) that can work amazing magic. The O2 Lift (aka the Oxygen Facial) is great too, so you really can’t go wrong when it comes to choosing what facial is best. I purposely priced my Signature and Oxygen Facials the same so that if I think someone could benefit from one over the other, they wouldn’t feel pressured by the price difference. Enjoy either treatment for just $85 (or $70 if you’re a member!). If your concern is pigmentation, we will discuss the best plan of action and the products that are right for your specific journey.

Trust me, there is no shortage of options. Again, this is why I highly recommend asking a professional to help. Someone who knows your skin can help you make a more educated decision when it comes to spending your hard earned cash. Whether you’re local or live in a different state, I’m happy to help you create a routine that’s best for you. Getting started ASAP means getting to those results faster!

love & lipstick,


P.S. Though Hale & Hush and Image Skincare can be purchased straight from my website, the other lines I work with have to be ordered directly through me. Please reach out if you have any questions.

P.P.S. If you’re interested in purchasing pigmentation reducing products, I’ve got a special discount for you just for reading this blog post. Message me for the code that will get you $5 off! And members-you can use that on top of your discount!


