I don’t have to tell you that the skincare industry is completely oversaturated. The options are endless, and it can be totally overwhelming. As a professional, it’s my job to be constantly learning about what’s new, what’s tried and true, and what’s coming next. Needless to say, I’ve got my hands full (of product!). I started my business with Image Skincare, a highly respected and efficacious line, but as my clientele grew, so did my need for other lines that could meet a variety of concerns. Choosing the brands that I want to develop a relationship with is never something that I take lightly. I do a lot of research before I made any decision, including speaking to other professionals, looking at before and after photos of treatments or product results, talking to brand representatives, and taking online trainings (whether paid or unpaid). I consider the price point, the limitations, and how easy the products are to use. I will place an order so that I can test samples on myself and family members before I start giving them to clients for feedback. Suffice to say, I don’t take the process lightly! It’s important for me to stand 100% behind the brands that I work with. I’m proud to carry Image Skincare, Skin Script, Circadia, Hale & Hush, Glo Skin Beauty, and now our newest line, Intelligent Elixirs!

I heard about Intelligent Elixirs a few months ago, took a free training to learn about the brand, and was intrigued by their mission. After following them on social media, I got a message from one of the founders that they were interested in sending me some samples, and I was so excited about that. It’s not common for skincare companies to reach out to folks with a small following and offer free samples! They asked what products I was most interested in, and I sent them the three that I was most looking forward to testing out, and I was so floored when my package arrived with samples of the whole line but FULL SIZED products of the three I’d specifically mentioned! How cool is that? I gave some samples to family members so that I could get a variety of feedback on top of my own opinion. We were all in love, and I knew that I would have to get these products into my studio so that my clients could try them too. I ordered just about everything they have, then handed out samples at the studio and have received nothing but positive feedback, which is fantastic. So let’s learn a little bit about why Intelligent Elixirs is a perfect fit for CDB!

First of all, the products work. Everything I have tried (which is just about everything) does what it says it’s going to do. I now cannot live without the Ultra Restorative Moisturizer, which is thick but sinks into the skin so perfectly, the Tinted SPF (which is the only tinted product that has not made me look even a little bit orange-no easy feat for someone with my fair skin tone), their B-5 Hydrating Serum, or Botanical A Night Serum. These products fit right in with the favorites that are in my medicine cabinet, and I’m confident that they will complement anything that you are already using as well. Another amazing thing about this brand? It’s INCREDIBLY affordable. I’ve worked hard to only use lines that are all what the industry considers “affordable” professional skincare because I know that’s what works for me and for my clients, but I must admit that IE’s price point is unbelievable. You can get a cleanser, a moisturizer, and a tinted SPF for less than $80! I know plenty of moisturizers that cost more than that alone. Of course, great prices and great products are key. But the thing that impressed me the most about this brand is their integrity. The owners have been in the industry for a very long time and worked as formulators for other companies. Essentially, they helped create products for companies and noticed that these brands would sell the products for many times what was actually necessary. They wanted to create a line of products at fair prices for regular people because taking care of our skin should not just be for the rich (sound familiar? It’s the exact same mission of my business!). They also were sure to use the actual percentages of ingredients that were used in the clinical trial testing in the final product, which many companies do not. We love to see it!

After speaking with Cat, one of the co-owners of Intelligent Elixirs, and learning about every product in detail, I knew I had made a great decision to start working with this company. I’ve been using their products in my treatments and giving out lots of samples so that my clients can fall in love with them too, and I’m excited to continue this partnership. I’ll be adding more of their products to my backbar, and will begin building up a little stock at the studio. If you want to order anything in the meantime, I’m happy to help you choose what’s best for your skin and get these wonderful products into your routine.

So, have you tried Intelligent Elixirs? What do you think? I’d love to hear about your favorite products! Leave a comment and let me know.

love & lipstick (& healthy skin),


P.S. Just FYI, they have a great eye cream that’s only $29. Yes, you read that right. Order yours today!




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