back to basics

Even though everyone’s skin has different needs, there are some pieces of advice that are good for just about everyone to follow.

Change your pillowcase twice a week. Lots of sweat, hair product remnants, drool, bacteria, etc. end up on your pillow. You wouldn’t want to rub your face in any of those things, right? Trust me when I say that you should be changing your pillowcases often. For those with acne, this could make a big difference!

Use a fresh towel every time you wash your face. As mentioned above, we don’t want to be putting bacteria on our skin. Buy a week’s worth of small hand towels or even keep a roll of paper towels in the bathroom.

Wash your hands before you wash your face. I’ve said this many times and will always be here to remind you. Your cleanser can’t work properly on your face if it’s working to clean the dirt and debris from your hands. Wash your hands first!

Lukewarm water is the way to go. You don’t want water to be hot or cold when you’re cleansing your skin. Contrary to popular belief, pores do not open and close. Therefore, hot water doesn’t “open” your pores and cold water doesn’t “close” them, so Goldilocks your way to the middle and use tepid water.

Speaking of water, make sure you drink it. Unfortunately, our skin is the last organ to benefit from the hydration that water provides (which is why we need topical moisturizers). However, drinking water helps all of your internal organs to work better, which in turn can help our skin to be healthier! So drink up, babes.

Eat the rainbow. Speaking of our internal organs working better, another great way to contribute to that is by eating plenty of healthy foods. Foods with antioxidants are fantastic for us. So are products that contain them. You want to eat them and you want to apply them!

Move it, move it. Yes, it’s true-exercise is good for our skin. Working out helps reduce stress, and stress causes or exacerbates lots of problems in our skin. It improves circulation, which helps to oxygenate our cells, and that’s a good thing. Please make sure you have removed your makeup before a workout, and that you cleanse your skin as soon as you can after physical activity. You don’t want sweat to sit on the skin and make things worse.

Wash your makeup brushes. These things harbor bacteria. You should be washing them weekly. Yes, weekly! And on that note, throw out any makeup that is expired. If that foundation is more than a year old, it’s time to say goodbye.

Brush your teeth before you do your skincare routine. Toothpaste can cause irritation and maybe even perioral dermatitis. By getting your dental hygiene finished before your skincare, you can help reduce the likelihood of that.

Breaking out in or near your hairline? Check your hair products. I always suggest washing your hair in the shower and rinsing well before doing anything else, but the residue can still remain. Wash your face at the end of the shower!

Apply products in the correct order. Your serum isn’t going to do anything if you apply it after your moisturizer. Make sure you are putting products on correctly to ensure that they’re working the way that they’re supposed to. Cleanse, tone (if a toner is a part of your routine), serum(s), eye cream, moisturizer. If using multiple serums, you typically use the ones with more actives first and you’ll want to apply them thinnest to thickest. When in doubt, reach out. I’m happy to help.

Take a chill pill. As I said, stress is bad for us and it shows up on our skin. We need to do things to combat stress, like exercise, reading, writing, meditating, games, crafts, etc. There are lots of things to try, and I suggest doing so right away. No better time than now!

Show your body some love. It’s not just the skin on your face that matters (though it’s different than the skin in other areas of the body). You still need to cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturizer your body regularly. It feels so nice to have smooth, healthy skin! Pro tip: Mix a little grapeseed oil into your lotion and boost the benefits!

Become a vampire. Okay, I’m kidding. I’m not suggesting we hide from the sun, but we do need to protect ourselves from it. You need to be wearing sunscreen 365 days a year, even if it’s cloudy or raining or snowing, and you need to reapply if you’re spending time outside. Even if you don’t burn easily, the rays are doing damage. UVB rays burn you, UVA rays age you. UVA rays break down collagen, and we don’t want that (we lose 1% of collagen every year after about the age of 35!). So even if you don’t burn, those rays are doing their thing, and it’s a thing you don’t want them to do. Protect yourself with sunscreen, clothing, hats, sunglasses, etc.

I could go on and on, but I think we’ve nailed a lot of the basics here. If you’re looking for more tips, or regular reminders, follow me on Facebook and Instagram and look for my Morning Coffee Talks! I post just about every morning.

What do you think, are you doing all of these things or do you have some things to work on? I’d love to know-share with me!

love & lipstick (& lots of spf),



