As I write this, I’m sitting in my spot on the couch, candles are lit, one of my favorite shows is on in the background, and I’m surrounded by notes from the business trainings I’ve been working on all afternoon. I went into work for a bit this morning, but then had the rest of the day free to get errands done, clean a bit, and even have a visit from my nieces. It’s only 3:00pm, and I’ve got the rest of the day in front of me to either work for a few hours, relax with my husband, or maybe even both. I’m so grateful that this is my life! As someone who used to work three jobs, it’s amazing to me that I’ve been able to have the freedom to make choices with my schedule now that I’ve been a full time business owner for a couple of years (though don’t be fooled, I went from working 24/7 to working 24/7, just in a different way!). Since it’s the season for gratitude, let’s chat about it, shall we?

I am so happy that I am able to do what I do on my own terms. I spend my day both interacting with folks I’ve been working with for years and also introducing myself to new faces as well. It’s such an honor to have OGs and newbies in my life. Either way, someone is choosing to spend their valuable time and money at my business. It’s not lost on me how many options there are out there, so to know that someone would take a chance on CDB just makes my heart burst. Throughout the years, I’ve laughed and cried with people, made folks feel comfortable in uncomfortable situations, taken and given lots of advice, and helped people to feel comfortable in their own skin. There is nothing better than that! I hope that each and every one of my clients know that I put 100% of myself into everything that I do. I may be a solo practitioner (for now…), but I truly think of what I do as teamwork. I love knowing that we’re in this together!

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention a couple of things about gratitude in general. Gratitude is good for you! You have probably heard that it can benefit our lives in many ways, and it’s true! Gratitude can help us increase our happiness hormones and decrease our stress hormones, which of course leads to overall better wellbeing. It also helps our skin (if you need a refresher, my blog post about stress and how it affects the skin is a great resource). Life sure does have a lot of curveballs, but by now most of us have realized that they will keep on coming, and it’s what we do about them that matters. I promise that it feels better to ask “why is this happening FOR me?” instead of “why is this happening TO me?” Does this mean that I don’t throw a pity party every now and then? Sure I do. But I switch back to gratitude and it changes my attitude. Works every single time. How you talk to yourself truly does matter. It helps you to feel better, and to show up as the person that you want to be. My business has never really just been about skincare. It’s about helping people to feel their best in life, and that goes so much deeper than the epidermis.

Whether you’ve been a client for 5 years or 5 minutes, I’m so incredibly grateful for you. If you have never come to see me, but support me online, I’m also so incredibly grateful for you! I’m working hard to build a place for everyone, so if you’re reading this, know that so many amazing things are in the works and I’m beyond grateful that you’re a part of it all.

love & lipstick (& lots of mashed potatoes),



back to basics


scary good skin